Servant-Leadership Groups-
Leadership is for everyone! Inside each child is the potential for some degree of leadership when that child is placed in the right environment. This 6-week small group meets during lunch, focusing on the perfect servant-leader, Jesus Christ. Students will learn how God wants to use their unique personality to lead others and make positive choices when faced with peer pressure. In addition, they will have an opportunity to hear from middle school and high school students who are leading by example, making wise choices, and following God's plan for their life.
Friendship Groups-
All children go through friendship conflicts from time to time, and as the counselor, I work to facilitate a resolution. If students experience ongoing difficulty with friendships, I host a "friendship" group which focuses on conflict resolution skills and teaches strategies from the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People". This group provides opportunities where children can practice positive social skills such as cooperation, communication, and self-control. All children struggle at times with relational conflicts, so please don't hesitate to contact me should your child need help in this area.
Lunch Groups-
You might hear your child share news that he/she had lunch with the counselor. Occasionally, I will bring students back to their homeroom to read a story or devotion while they eat lunch. This provides me with an opportunity to get to know the children better. My hope is that the children will see me as someone they can talk to should they have a problem.